
Showing posts from July, 2016

Unmask The Mask !

Do you remember your childhood? If yes,just close your eyes for a few moments and recall your childhood memories.Watch your childhood with your closed eyes,I am sure you are feeling,you were the most happiest,richest and relaxed human being. Then all of a sudden what happens; as we grow up something starts entrapping us into the web of stress,apprehensions and repress etc.Have you ever pondered why it happens? Why apprehensions grow with our age? Have you got the answer? No.not yet.Okay,Let me tell you. List of our desires start growing with our age.To accomplish those desires most of people rather majority of people pretend and mold themselves as per the situations and desires.Some people even go beyond this and they start imitating others' life style to give others the feel of liking in view of achieving their goal or fulfilling their desires.In other words we can say, they start using masks as per situations.This is the major reason why apprehensions,stress and repress e...

Man and the Mirror

When you come to me I feel happy.You expect me to tell about you I feel very happy.But I become sad when you over-expect out of me,because I can not lie. What is in your mind that is on my face. I only can show what you have in your mind. I've been blessed exponential powers by my ancestors.Whatever mind you will bring to me I will increase that exponentially.If you'll come to me with sad mind,I'll show the same to you and it will keep on increasing exponentially until you do not execute next act.If you'll come to me with happy mind,I'll increase it exponentially till you do not execute next act.I am going to share one secret with you.In our world it is said that if one is happy then only he should come to us.If one is sad he should not come to us.That is the reason universe has given tears to human being,so that if human being is sad,he should cry instead of coming to us.Because our exponential powers can make him more sad. My ancestors were so powerful,the...

86,400 Diamonds......

Shhhh. Have silence and listen to it ,Universe is showering diamonds on you.Assure that you are grabbing those diamonds for you.Are you awake?Are you collecting those diamonds for you?If not,do not worry,start collecting them right from now. On an average every human being spends 25 percent  of his life in sleeping and 25 percent in thinking irrelevant thoughts and rest 50 percent of life in doing his routine work.Out of this 50 percent;25 percent of life goes into reaction instead of actions.It indicates on an average a human being lives 25 percent of his life.75 percent of life goes in sleeping,thinking irrelevantly and in reaction to various interactions of others.     Shhhh. Listen to it ,Universe is showering diamonds on you ! Have you felt shower of diamond on you!Yet not.Are you awake?Are you collecting those diamonds for you?If not,do not worry,start collecting them right from now. Are you sitting in your cabin?Listening to the voice of silence. Any u...

©Machine :Motion :: Man : Emotion

© The early man was living and wandering in woods for livelihood.Sometime he used to eat vegetation and hunt animals for flesh for some other time.This way the life was going on in the woods.This way all the living creatures were living their life. While hunting food for survival,the human being would have felt a challenge of doing the things at the earliest and started exploring things which can help him to do his work at the earliest.This way he has discovered the first tool to execute his work at the earliest was "stone"which he had used sometime as hammer,chopper and hand-axes etc.These tools were used 2 to 2.6 million years ago. This way human being got use to make tools for his comfort during his tour on the Earth.With this the seed of technology was sown.Slowly slowly time kept on passing.A new invention in humans life changed his lifestyle 360 degree and that invention was of "Wheel".It was invented in near about 3500 B.C. This invention has tur...

Name and #Fame

© A different thought but its the truth.We keep our-self  busy in digging success with our hands.We become crazy,when we do not find it,we start changing our orbits like excited electrons.We become fussy about our surroundings and thereby limit our-self in choosing the world around us. We are not giving anything to this world rather this world is giving everything to us.Are you surprised? Do not want to believe it.Okay!  When we came to this world we had nothing with us except our body and Life.This world has given us our name,We strive hard to earn that name.Don't we?When we are not able to assign name to our-self,how can we think to have other resources on our own.It does not mean that we can not do it on our own,we can,but for doing every thing on our own we have to synchronize with the world.   Just  retrospect and find out a single name who has #triumphed this world all alone.I am sure,no one. #Synchronization is the key rule for embracing success....

Finally you are a king ᾨ

I am sure after reading this you will be the happiest and richest person of the world.I am sure you are feeling excited and let me tell you I am excited too while sharing this content with you. Before starting,May I ask you one question? Okay ! My question is :In a day how many times your brain takes you to negativity? An honest answer will help you. Now you would be thinking where I want to take you?Do not worry,coming on to the point,I have met so many people,who say,talking positivism looks good,feels good and no doubt attracts too.But the problem which majority of them were facing was: how to adopt positivism?They keep on asking me tell us the way wherein we can adopt positivism and keep our self positive throughout the life.This was really a question from them,but for me it was a topic to be researched.I have requested them to give me sometime to answer this question. We have started research on it and met lot of people and asked them what they do,when surrounded by...

Tell yourself That....................!

Is there any one in this world, who wants to fail,have negative thoughts and wants to feel bad.I am sure no one.Despite not wanting them;they are happening to everyone. I have an interesting story to share,here it is !  ©  Once upon a time there was a kid named Marc, who was playing with his friends in the park,while playing they reached the woods and started feeling like as their imagination has got wings.Everything around them was full of heavenly colors. Cool breeze was blowing,butterflies were playing with the water of the river which was looking like potion.By watching and feeling all these,kids uttered  a big "wow!!!" Marc said : Isn't it amazing and heavenly too? I am feeling as my imagination has turned real.Other kids ask him : Imagination;what do you mean?Marc answered:My granny tells me one tale every evening before I go to bed and whatever imagination comes to my mind at that point of time is absolutely similar to this particular scenery which we are watc...