Blow The Whistle
Universe is working on new ventures every day, every moment and it knows that it has to create a plan and execute. So, it does not look, gather and analyze past, Universe does not make predictions about how much it’ll be able to generate, Right? That process works for conventional or ongoing life driven planning lines, but new technology, which is less predictable, require a different set of planning and control tools. That’s where the void between Universe and life driven planning process comes in. That makes the Life a complex process. I have designed and developed this classic methodology to abbreviate the gap between universe and technology for making life a simple process. Life is an automatic process and advance version of technology, but we are trying to put add-ons of low version’s technology to this, which causes complexity in life. The goal of early man was to help each other, respect, and accept those new processes and approaches implemented by universe. “One of the bett...