Abundance is ONLY AND ONLY for you;IF YOU

We are pre-programmed species on this earth.We are the constituents / enablers of the Universe.We have been sent here with some objective to accomplish. We face different phases of situations everyday.If we are facing good situation and in comfort zone it means we are fragile enabler/constituent.If we are facing tough situation and not in comfort zone that means we are tough enabler/constituent and universe believes on us for execution of that particular situation.Hence when we face tough situation we should not complain to universe by raising various questions like these

1.Why me?
2.It's not good.
3.Everybody is enjoying except me.

Instead,give your best to the situation which Universe has offered to you and feel gratitude that you have been relied upon for that situation,because when we execute some tough situation at that point of time others learn that how to handle that situation.It means we lead when we handle tough situation.Feel gratitude for it to the Universe and you will see Universe will start helping you in achieving your goal.Okay tell me do we have any control on any of the activity of Universe?Tell me single one,if you know.I am sure we do not have any control;

1.Can we control day and night?- Answer is NO
2.Can we control weather?-Answer is No
3.Can we control our age?-Answer is No

If we can not control then why we feel bad when we are in tough situation,instead we should feel gratitude that Universe has relied upon us to be in the Central role for that particular situation.

IF YOU Practice Gratitude; you will achieve abundance for always.


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