
Showing posts from February, 2016

Attitude - A key to achieve everything you want

#Attitude plays a vital role in our day to day life.Wear the attitude and reach the altitude of your choice.Usually people think it is tough to change the attitude.But let me tell you it is very easy to change it.We all are doing this subconsciously everyday.Let me substantiate it point wise:  #Dress :When we go to office,what we do?We wear the official dress,it may be particular dress code of the organisation or simply formal dress.What this indicates?This indicates,it is not only the dress we are changing or wearing rather we change the type of attitude before execution of the specific work.When an engineer goes to the production house before entering into it,he changes his dress,which recalls him the type of work he is suppose to execute.For a professional fashion model,before representation,he/she has to wear the attitude in the form of dress which he/she is going to represent.  Hence,we can say dress plays important role in changing your attitude. #Gadgets : As ...

Respect Time and Earn Billion Dollar Success

Time,a great teacher,who teaches us everything at every point of our life.We all have been assigned limited time to execute our actions.Since our childhood,we have been taught to honor time. Usually in the race of material attainment,we sometime deviate from the rule.How many times in a day you use this sentence or phrase "I do not have time." or "No time".These words indicates poor #time management.Poor time management leads to failure.We all have twenty four hours in a complete day,some are highly successful and managing the business of billion dollars whereas majority of us are fighting hard to avail comforts.  This happens because of big void between execution and planning. Most of us are focused on 9 to 5 job schedule and once it is 5 o'clock, we start thinking,we have done very hard work and want rest. That rest extend sometime in the form of wastage of two,three,four and sometime more than four hours.Once we waste this much of time.We forward...


Mood swings; a noun to describe one's life,generally it acts as an important parameter to define how our life is? Every day when we start our day,sometime we feel happy and sometime we feel sad,bad,passive or low  in energy.When someone inquires us for our happiness, answer is good mood. When someone inquires us for our low energy, answer is bad mood.Why this good and bad mood occurs? This is very big question and probably everyone is exploring the answer unknowingly since beginning, because everyone wants to live in good mood.Generally we feel in good mood when our comfort level do not get impacted or it increases,we feel happy or in good mood. When comfort zone gets disturbed or inverse at 360 degree, we start feeling in sad or bad mood. Basically Mood swings depend on our comfort level,if it is perfect than good mood,if it gets disturbed then bad mood.The entire process is called "MOOD SWINGS." Hence we can say mood swings are directly proportional to comfort...

Guaranteed Success-MUST READ

To attain success action is required,but majority of population lack this principle,instead of action they keep themselves busy in reaction.If we act,we attain success effortlessly.Now,You would be thinking how one can act without efforts?I am sure you are surprised. How actions can be effortless : Generally we see our-self as one body,while doing anything,wherever, we are working with the help of three bodies instead of one.These three bodies are 1)Physical body,which we see our-self as daily. 2) Intellectual body,means our Brain 3) Spiritual body means our energy Majority of people  while working use only Physical body to attain success.Hence their success rate is less. Very less  people use the combination of Physical and Intellectual body and their success rate is more than people using only physical body. Very rare  people use the combination of the three bodies that is Physical,Intellectual and Spiritual body and those who use the combination of these ...

Effortless success for start ups

We keep on thinking about success,imagining about its golden picture always while sitting,sleeping,walking and wandering around,but sometime it does not happen at all or may be,it does not happen as per our expected level.This sometime gives us frustration or we loose hope to work more towards our goal.   This world is becoming more tumultuous and patterns of success are changing so fast,therefore, it is becoming difficult for us to strategies the standardized pattern for achieving success.Mostly,we decide our success on the basis of our comparison with others. There are some common factors on which people feel themselves successful.These factors are like as Job :Some people feel themselves successful when they get job of their choice,or sometime when they get better job as compare to their companion.95 percent of people in this world are into job and they feel contended if they get good job or get promotion in their job.   House/Bungalow :People feel themselves ...


Human being is playing game of life in this universe.Life offers various resources to human being to play this game,but with one condition that during this game you (Human being) will not be exposed with, that what is the next move of Life. This means UNCERTAINTY. Life says; Play well,make your rule,play as and when you want to,Life says that, but one thing I’ll (Life) keep secret from you(Human Being),you will not be able to know what is my next move. Here  challenge starts ,some human being start thinking let us acquire knowledge that will make them efficient to know the next move of life,some human beings becomes wanderer with the perception they can understand life’s move better if they collect the information of all places. Some human being start going deep into the game and get confused with it.All these moves lead you nowhere. Here is one simple move which can make game of life very simple that move is “ GRATITUDE “.Now the next question is how to apply it. Here ...

How to make your blog viral?

With the growth of social media, blog is becoming a big asset. While writing a blog, you should carefully work on it. There are thousands of suggestions to increase the traffic to your blog. Some of these suggestions are effective up to certain extent, some are absolutely vague. I have done lot of research on this and sharing this with my readers to motivate them differently to increase traffic on their blog. Six effective tips to increase traffic on your blog Write Real. Never write with the objective of quenching the thrust of writing only: Generally we blog with the objective to increase viewership, sometime to show off our intellect and sometime we just write for the sake of writing.  All these habits do not benefit our blog. However, this habit gives us a dozen of views but do not make us a brand in blogging. If you want to be a real blogger, then write the real content. Write like a Philanthropist. Before writing a blog, first plan the content of the...

What are Mental Blocks and How to clean them?

When a child takes birth, his brain is like a plane paper on which society starts imposing its perceptions,thoughts and experiences.On these basis personality of  a child starts taking shape.If these perceptions,thoughts and experiences are positive then the personality of child will be positive and if  perceptions,thoughts and experiences are negative then the personality of child will be negative. Generally,these perceptions,thoughts and experiences give birth to Mental Blocks.These blocks play major role and put limitations on our imaginations and goals.Universe has given us huge power to achieve each and every thing we desire. We all are effected by mental blocks. Mental blocks are like ice bergs in journey to success.They hinder our unlimited power or infinite power to achieve. How mental blocks develop?      As I have told you people around you give birth to mental blocks.Let us take an example,you've planned some project to execute and f...

How to recognize your special talent for achieving quantum objective

We are here on the Earth.Usually this question pops up in our mind,why we are here on this Earth.What is our objective? Whatever objectives we are trying to accomplish  are all defined by us,but there would be some quantum objective behind our birth which we should try to recognize,because that identification of quantum objective takes us to success with happiness.This identification of quantum objective will change our life style.We will be able to live our life with abundance,success and happiness. May be, you 'd have heard about these words from people around you. Like,"everyone is blessed with special talent for achieving quantum objective by superpower only required act is to identify that special talent".These are very common words.I was listening these words since my childhood,but one big question always pop up with these words was,how to identify that special talent? Now , I am going to decode this thing to you that how to identify that special talent...

Consciousness and Abundance go together

Consciousness and abundance go together.Since beginning, when we the Homo Sapiens (the Human Beings ) had started exploring earth for resources.However it is bit difficult to say about the age of our existence on the Earth,but this is quite sure that we are wandering on earth with the consciousness of abundance.   Earlier we were wandering in the vegetative forests and today we are wandering in the electronic forests,but objective is still same,searching abundance of resources with the consciousness of abundance. Though the effects of our existence on earth can not be stated but yes one thing which is clearly visible is,we are in a race of acquiring resources.In ancient times he who had maximum resources designated himself as either rich or king of the tribe.This concept is still alive the only thing which has changed is the way of acquiring resources.The person who was king had consciousness of abundance. In literal sense the word consciousness means is the state or quali...

Micro Things Play Major Role

Micro things play major role in every aspect of life.This is of course true and proven concept,but majority of people either do not know it or some if know avoid it.Let me relate and prove it like this the human being's existence is completely based on two small nostrils which keeps the breath continue which ensures life for human being.Now you would be thinking why I am sharing this concept with you,what is in it for you?Yes ! you are right. Let me substantiate here BIG SUCCESS LIES IN SMALL OPENINGS OR SMALL OPPORTUNITIES".Let us take an example if someone is sitting in small room which is having no window and is absolutely closed from all sides,suddenly electricity goes out,the person sitting in it gets stressed because of absolute darkness.Suddenly he observes a small whole on the roof of the room and sun ray is coming from that whole to him,which gives him hope of light.He feels happy that from this whole he can make the opening for light to enter in the room. As ...

Magical Consciousness

Consciousness plays vital role in achieving whatever we want to achieve.It has been said that whatever is the goal can be achieved by focusing on goal only.Do not look on your left or right,just be focused with success consciousness. I know this is hard to believe,how merely developing or aligning oneself with consciousness can help to achieve the goal.Try this,you will see how things start happening around you,but that alignment of consciousness needs an honest effort to execute.   If you want to understand how consciousness works for the achievement of impossible goals,there are many examples for this.All the inventions are result of consciousness only.E.g Wright Brothers have invented the flying mechanism. Whatever,you want to achieve you can achieve by aligning your consciousness.It may be money,success,happiness,abundance and many more.The only thing required is before executing anything,align your consciousness.   

Do not Snooze your inner voice

We are born to live our life,but majority of us live others' life.We follow others' style.We compare our self with others and get impressed by their style. We forget this, we are unique,there is no one like us on this Earth.We are born to achieve some unique objective.To achieve this unique  objective ,we've been blessed with strong,super and powerful inner voice.Majority of us do not listen to it, We are in habit of Snoozing our inner voice. We always explore what others have and want?We try to chase and achieve others' wishes.We never explore what we need and want; for this our inner voice helps and keeps on knocking us to achieve whatever we need and want. Wherever,We continuously keep on snoozing it,because we work on how we feel instead of what we want? Just go back to your everyday schedule and observe how many times you honor and listen to your inner voice.I am sure you do not listen to it,you snooze it before a second or two by these fears,...

Magical Gift from universe to every being- Lights are

Light is the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible,it helps us to treat various deadly diseases. The source of Light The SUN,this gives us light in abundance.When it is dawn every being; starting from a small creature to Human being starts working with hope of achievement.When sun sets every creature returns to home. Even for enlightenment light helps us.Light plays very vital role in our life to achieve ,to see,to excel,to burst stress and even to treat various ailments. In ancient epics it is said that if we wake up early before dawn and take our-self to an open area,it can help us to remain healthy for longer. Various scientists are working on to trap the solar energy through artificial leaf.Light is a hope for all of us. We should have gratitude towards universe and Chief of solar family"THE SUN" for such a wonderful gift.

Life is an Enigma and can be solved

At every step life presents different situations which looks like riddle and gives a feel that it can not be solved,that happens with every individual.Some individuals get into the situation and become part of the riddle and can not solve it.Whereas,it is very simple to solve it. Simple trick to solve the riddle is 1.Live your life with "LOVE",even show your love to that riddle,yes! love will solve every riddle.Love here means keep cool,calm and do not get aggressive when you meet riddle on the way to your life.Try this you'll surely feel happy.

You are the creator of your life

Life means "LIVE IN FULL ECSTASY" whereas majority of  people do not follow this.Instead of to find or to discover Ecstasy,they always invite stress or sadness which becomes reason of their failure. If you want to live in full ecstasy: Never repent in your life because a person with positive attitude never lose,Either he wins or learns. Keep on exploring new and positive things all the time. Never compare yourself with anyone. Find ways to live your dream. Any good thing can happen at any time. Life has been gifted to us,we have no right to underestimate our potential, because we are here to accomplish some objective as per universe' Plan. Majority of people blame themselves for not achieving  the dreams they want to and conclude themselves as fail.Unknowingly they start moving in a backward direction and so their life.   Understand this we are replica of the Universe,The Universe is a living entity and we are part of that.Whatever we are think...


This is in continuation to my last blog on Patience.Now I will discuss with you how to practice the magical word patience.However,this is very easy to say practice patience but it is very tough to do the same.Whenever we are in different mood swings,our patience level is also different.We can say our patience is directly proportional to our mood swings.If we feel happy enough we are excited and will not be ready at all to keep our self calm and cool.When we feel sad we are in bad mood and we do not listen to any one.Both the situations disturb our comfort zone and here starts the actual disturbance. Sometime in excitement or sometime in low mood swing,we take wrong decisions which leads to poor result and bad life style.As I've committed to you earlier that I'll share with you,how to apply this magical word PATIENCE in your life. Life ={ Excitement +Entertainment}=Bad result Life = Patience { Excitement +Entertainment}=Good Result Life = { Low Mood Swing} =Bad R...


Patience , Patience , Patience ;....................It is not just only a word,it's a powerful and magical one.Life is off course uncertain for everyone.Life goes like roller coaster,as in a roller coaster's ride some people cry,some people shout.Similarly when a person gradually grows through his life,he becomes responsible towards it.To become responsible is just like sitting on the roller coaster's seat and tying the belts for safe journey.   During the journey of life,ups and down are obvious,hence, no one can assure that life will be smooth.Yes types of ups and down can be different for everyone. BUT..............The solution which I am giving is common to every situation, which is one magical word and that word is Patience . However, let me tell you why we should practice more patience while going up instead of while going down,because this is the time during which we become overconfident and make mistakes. Now the question is how to practice this magical...

Love Success not stress

Life is all about "DOING THINGS" about future instead of thinking about past.Majority of us feel stressed when we start thinking about past and in this turmoil we stop doing about future.Thinking about past is a tornado,once you get into the eye of tornado of thinking about past none can escape you from scattering.Ask yourself right now,what gives you stress,thinking about past or doing about future?Your answer will definitely be thinking about past.We are here for doing about future,not thinking about past because it is not our part as we can not control and change past.Love yourself and start doing now for future surely your future will be bright.There is one invisible time machine in our brain,which sometime takes us to past and sometime to future.When this time machine takes us to past time we feel stressed and when this time machine takes us to future time;sometime we feel scared and sometime we feel happy.In both the situations we detach our self from the core habit o...

Success is yours if ...........................

Everyone across the globe,in streets,in markets,in colleges,in schools and even in woods is searching for one thing that is "Success" To achieve success is not easy for anyone starting from millionaire to poor,because of variance in their benchmark. I am sure you will also be handling any of the project , I mean to say any of the project,it may be related to your research work,dissertation,achieving market share,starting the start up,may be looking for venture capitalist for your start up project , may be looking for good publisher for your book and may be searching for producers for your script and may be searching for new job.All these are different projects which different people will be striving to achieve. But main question is "HOW"? We've decoded this big "HOW"? means how to achieve success? Success is yours if........................................... You start the project. Assign date of completion to your project. You keep  c...

Success is not knowing the unknown,it's knowing the known

Greetings ! It is our habit when we see or come in contact with anything,we become aware or known to it.We start assuming the thing or individual in our way.We start knowing the thing superficially and stop going deep into it to know it better,which becomes the reason of failure. Hence to be a successful person first important thing is to know the known. We can do this in five ways. 1.Keep observing the known for longer time. 2.Interact more with the known to dig it deeper. 3.Have patience while deciding. 4.Give chance to the known to speak. 5.Always take time before sharing any thing.