Mood swings; a noun to describe one's life,generally it acts as an important parameter to define how our life is?
Every day when we start our day,sometime we feel happy and sometime we feel sad,bad,passive or low  in energy.When someone inquires us for our happiness, answer is good mood.
When someone inquires us for our low energy, answer is bad mood.Why this good and bad mood occurs? This is very big question and probably everyone is exploring the answer unknowingly since beginning, because everyone wants to live in good mood.Generally we feel in good mood when our comfort level do not get impacted or it increases,we feel happy or in good mood.
When comfort zone gets disturbed or inverse at 360 degree, we start feeling in sad or bad mood.
Basically Mood swings depend on our comfort level,if it is perfect than good mood,if it gets disturbed then bad mood.The entire process is called "MOOD SWINGS." Hence we can say mood swings are directly proportional to comfort level.
Some people say if you want to be in good mood,Start your day with happiness.Some people say think positive,they all are correct up-to certain extent.
The secret principle which we have decoded for Mood swing is;
Feel comfortable when your comfort level gets disturbed,it is not at all easy to do this,to make it easy.I am suggesting some ways: 
Understand, when existing comfort level is getting disturbed that means universe is planning to launch you in a new comfort level.
Wake up early in the morning and only focus on the task which is disturbing your comfort level.You will find the solution probably within a week.
Do not feel bad,start searching the good thing in that task,it is always sure every bad situation has one very big opportunity in it.
For more techniques to handle these kinds of situations follow me on my blog for daily inspiration.


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