Be Easy Be Busy

Life is a complete automatic process,but we make it difficult by triggering the wrong switches at wrong time.Life depends upon how we perceive things around us;how we start our day;how we respond to various situations.

Majority of people believe in reaction instead of action.This is the reason which creates stretch  in life and makes the situations complex.I have seen people feel stretch in their life because of the following reasons:
  • Loosing competition from the known one instead from an unknown,
  • While chasing money,
  • Due to failure in achievement of the expected thing.  
  • By not getting the promotions in Job
  • Sometimes due to happiness of others.

These are some of the wrong switches which we trigger almost everyday and make our life a bag full of complexities and put our self in the balloon of stress.

Now I am going to give you a secret principle which will not only make you happy rather will give you the clear picture of objective of your life.


Loosing competition from the known one instead from an unknown,

Do not feel disheartened when you loose competition from the known one rather learn from it,remember loosing competition from the known one is the biggest wrong switch which we trigger almost every moment in our life to make it more complex.

We all are in continuous habit of feeling disheartened while loosing competition from the known one instead from an unknown. Let me take you to center of this point;if you feel disheartened from loosing the competition only, than millions of people are winning it everyday,every moment.Lot many people are winning it every moment.I have question do you feel disheartened when these people are winning competition. 

While chasing money

Majority of people make their life miserable and keep themselves busy in chasing money,another wrong switch which turns life into file of documents.I will suggest do not chase money rather attract it by doing good for others.

Due to failure in achievement of  the expected thing

We all are riding the horse of technology due to which changes are happening so fast around us and our exposure to new things are happening around the world at the speed of light.We are swimming in the ocean of thoughts,which are changing our expectations every moment.So it will be worthless to chase fluctuating expectations and feeling bad on failure in achievement of these kinds of expected things. 

By not getting the promotions in the Job :

This is the common wrong switch which causes stress in people's life.Majority of people feel stressed because they have not been promoted.I will suggest instead of expecting promotion;create opportunities where you can give promotions.  

Sometimes due to happiness of others

By nature human being is a political social animal and usually we feel happy when we are happy.Majority of people do not feel happy when others are happy.Those who feel happy in the happiness of others are great people.Instead of feeling jealous be great.Feel happy when others are happy.

The principle of  life should be  "Be Easy Be Busy"


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