Magical rule for precision of decision

#Decision is not only saying 'YES' or 'NO'.It is a complete process.Usually,I have observed,when output is not as per the expectations,people say decision was not right,I've not taken the right decision and sometime they blame their situations,fate and people around them.I know to the uninitiated,these thoughts are just about as bizarre as anything a person could think of.

Subsequently,Decision taking is complete technical process,during decision taking process there are certain factors which decides whether our decision will be right or wrong.

In the decision making process there are certain constants and variables.Usually,we think more about constants but less about variables.This is the major catch,which decides whether our decision will be correct or wrong.

Now Let me share with you the various constants and variables which prevail during the decision making process and these are:

Constants are:

1.Our self

2.Our Brain


4.Hanging of situation in brain


Usually,variables are avoided during the decision making process that makes the quality of decision poor.       

Why it is so because for tomorrow we decide today.

Variables are:


2.Change in #technology

3.Change in perception of the society

4.#Execution Power

To make #decision more effective,equal consideration should be given to both constants and variables.If you will do this your decision will always be right.

For availing complete format on decision taking process follow me on my blog. 


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