When you will come out of these.....?

Everyone around me is hitting high,achieving maximum,soaring sky and living his life in a cool and easy way-------------------"This is the notion which majority of people have in their mind about others and this is the reason which do not allow them to grow.This notion hang people's mind and act as cause of stress and negativity.

I have seen majority of people talk in this way; "My parents did not help me to grow", "I am not favored by luck","If given the chance I can do better".  

Every day life gives us new chance,instead of  utilizing that chance, majority of people waste it in singing the song of their failures.Now you would be thinking how life gives us new chance everyday,yes you are thinking in a right direction.I would like to substantiate it like this as under:

Every new day is a new chance.Whatever we have not done yet in our life we can do it now,our parents are not stopping us to do it,life is giving us chance and by this luck is doing favor to us.  

Second big hurdle which stops us from doing something new in our life is either our ego or we ourselves. This is a proven fact whenever we want to do something different or unique,our ego stops us from execution by raising questions within us like ;what others will say?,it does not suit your age,you are too old for this etc.I will suggest do not allow your ego to raise these bars in your execution because they hang your brain to do something new. 

By doing new things we always remain young,this should be the mind frame.Everyone around us is facing the same challenges which we are facing; the difference is; others are carving the opportunities from the challenges and we are just looking on them instead of carving our opportunities.  

Do not look at others; because you are the most luckiest and happiest person.This is true only when you will come out of these negative notions and focus on your work and goal. please,If you like it.

I will appreciate your comments.


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